EconSolutions Live 💻 : AP® Economics
Opt for DAILY answers to your AP® Microeconomics or AP® Macroeconomics questions instead of booking a tutor once a week!
Drop by during the scheduled hours, no booking required!
Forgot to ask something during the live sessions? Post in the community space and get detailed explanation from me within 2 to 18 hours.
EconSolutions Live members pay only USD $67.5 or CAD $90 per hour for private lessons from Nuheen.
Access more than 8 hours of live group tutoring sessions conducted every month over Zoom, where students can drop by to clarify any economics concept they are struggling with, no booking required.
Instead of booking an AP economics tutor once/twice a week, you can now get answers to your economics questions everyday through the dedicated community space!
Scheduled Live Sessions:
1. AP® Microeconomics Student Hours:
Saturdays: 10am-11am PST
Runs from Saturday 27th Jan 2024 to Saturday 4th May 2024.
2. AP® Macroeconomics Student Hours
Saturdays: 11am - 12pm PST
Runs from Saturday 27th Jan 2024 to Saturday 4th May 2024.
Note: The schedule mentioned above is subject to change in the event of an emergency, illness or other factors. Substitute student hours will be held for any cancelled hour.
We will start off the session with questions I couldn't get to the previous session. Afterward, I will answer questions generally on a first come, first served basis, until time runs out.
To join the question queue, students will be writing their question topic in the chat. This doesn't have to be the whole question, but rather stating that you have a question on that particular topic.
Each student can only ask about one topic in a session, to ensure everyone gets a chance.
If all students have been attended to, we will do a second round of this process. Student can now now ask about a second topic.
If you can't get your question answered due to time constraints, you have the following options:
There is no such obligation, you can enter or leave whenever you please. Saying that, you are welcome to stay and listen to the entire session, and I urge you to do so!
While discussing a particular topic, I will open up the floor to questions from everyone on that topic. This type of group conversation is a great way to learn/review multiple topics in one session. Perhaps you can also bring a perspective to the discussion we haven't considered before!
As most of my students are based in USA and Canada, the hours have been chosen keeping both the east coast and west coast in mind.
Students in the west coast are not back from school before 3:30pm PST, whereas the end of our sessions on 6pm PST is already pretty late for those on the east cost (9pm EST).
The only alternative for you would be my other services, including the private lessons.
Unfortunately no. I couldn't offer this service at the price of $99 USD a month if membership could be shared, or the free trial process is abused. To prevent abuse of this service, there are two steps that I follow:
1. When connecting to the sessions, you will join the Zoom waiting room. The Tpock team will manually approve the students (after checking for subscription status) to enter the session.
2. During the session, when your turn to ask a question comes, I will ask the person to turn on their video camera. Besides making the engagement more authentic, this allows me to stop potential abuse of the system. The rest of the time the camera can be off, although I recommend leaving it on.
This also prevents users from creating multiple accounts using different email addresses to abuse the 7 day free trial.
There certainly is a way!
Join the r/apeconomics subreddit on Reddit and ask me questions there. After I am done answering questions for EconSolutions Live students in their dedicated AP Economics community space here, I head over to that subreddit to answer questions.
Disclaimer: APⓇ is a trademark [registered / owned] by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this service or Tpock.